Fenugreek Chocolate Drink

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  • Natural lactation booster for breastfeeding mums
  • Protects stomach lining
  • Reduce symptoms of heartburn
  • Boosts testosterone levels
  • Regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity

Add 150ml of hot water to 1 sachet. Mix well and drink.

Pregnant mothers should consult their doctors first before consuming this product. Fenugreek may not be suitable for pregnant mothers.

What is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is a type of herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals which includes Vitamin A, folic acid, magnesium, zinc and potassium

Did you know?

When in contact with water, Fenugreek will swell and turn into gel, which helps to coat the stomach lining and protect it from symptoms of heartburn.

It also has a high concentration of soluble fibre, which can help in preventing constipation.

Photo by Tamas Pap on Unsplash

Great benefits, not so great taste

Unfortunately, Fenugreek is very bitter when consumed on its own and is not palatable. We therefore combine it with chocolate to deliver great benefits with great taste.

All-friendly herb

Fenugreek is an extremely interesting herb. It is a natural galactagogue and can boost breast milk production in lactating mothers, but when drank by males, can enhance testosterone levels and improve libido.

For diabetics, Fenugreek can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the rise in post-meal glucose levels. Our no-sugar formulation ensures that it is a diabetic friendly drink.

Switch up your mornings!

Replace your morning chocolate or coffee with Herbco Fenugreek Hot Chocolate drink for that extra benefit and low calorie goodness. Fenugreek Hot Chocolate is also a natural appetite suppressant so having it in the morning can ensure you feel full longer.

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